Weekly Writing Challenge – The Sound of Silence: Where are the Christians of Christ?

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The title is indicative of the silent noun characterized throughout this short journey of reconciliation.  My intentions are open for interpretation.  My words that follow are the product of spending far too much time on the internet.  The silence is deafening to me.  Moreover, the silence is excruciatingly maddening in the moment.  In the short time, I have been on WordPress; the silence appears to exist for many.  Regardless of your belief system, the silence editorialized below, is unacceptable.












This is a story about overcoming the silence.


My Story of Silence


Perhaps, I missed something, but Christians are simply believers in Christ.  Christians follow the Great Commandment declared by Christ, in the same way of our ancestors.   The very lineage of Christ is a radical concept.  I confess.


There are many thoughts, words, and declarations accredited to Christ throughout the Gospels.  A particular one centers on a singular theme, which involves caring for the orphans and widows.  I am the first to proclaim, we have traveled oceans, if not continents, away from this declaration.  However, Christ, in scripture, never once maintained a ledger book recording his billable hours for healing or deliverance.  Of course, he did need the FAITH of the afflicted for all services.  Thus, there was a price, but in the measure of one’s faith.  However, this was before the time of political parties, federal banks, and the likes thereof. 



Moreover, Christ never forced anyone to succumb to his way of thinking.  He came like the Age of Aquarius.  Love for each other.  Love for our community.  Love for our brothers and sisters.  Love for our government.  Love for our country.  Love for all people regardless of their origin, nationality, age, race, and yes, even sexual orientation. 























I am so exhausted with the name of Christ being taken in vain to prove our dysfunctional ideal of civil responsibility or Christian duty actually equates to right-standing.  The people are seeking answers.  In theory, as Christians, we are the answer and not the cause for further questioning.  I have many friends in search of the truth and finding baseless suppositions.  Sadly, I understand their foregone conclusion, he just, might, not exist. 

















If not, for the hand of God on my life, I would still be conflicted and afflicted.  But all Glory to God, I am free to have an intimate and personal relationship with the Great I Am by and through the Holy Spirit. 


I am so disgusted with my fellow Christians blighting the name of Christ with old, broken-down, watered-downed, twisted, and otherwise dead theologies, creating a misrepresentation of Christ’s character.  The more I type, the more it infuriates me, to consider, where we are, as a generation, today.  







I am far from perfect.  I doubt I ever will be perfect.  I turn the mirror on myself each day, just to realize, HOW, imperfect I am.  Yet, my imperfection is not a license to castrate anyone in the name of Christ.  The ubiquitous onslaught of flawed images laying claim to the name of Christ, contradict directly with the deity, I know, and I love.   I really do feel like Morpheus with one pill in each hand.  And, sadly, there is a part of me screaming, please take them all.
















If we serve the same Christ as some of us do; can we agree to check our words, actions, and deeds against the life of Christ?  If by chance we serve someone else, can we leave that to Christ?  If we serve no one at all, I remember a text that states, every knee will bow.  Nowhere in the text did it state, we would cause any knee to bow.  I can trace the text to a singular commandment within our control, above all else, love one another.   If the world never knows him through self-proclaimed Christians, we have failed in our greatest mission on Earth.






















{Head bowed}

{A Word Comes Forth}

It is my prayer, we can agree as a community, we live in a broken world, but we are the healers for this time.  It is my prayer, we recognize, we can no longer afford to bicker about insignificant issues, when lives are at stake.  It is my prayer, every Christian, considers their personal message from Christ before inflicting damage on anyone in his name.  It is my prayer; we as a nation remember we are a country where freedom is a right and not a privilege.  This is my prayer, this is my declaration, and this is my decree. 






{Slightly Overwhelmed}



©EYHCS and The Latest Word, 2010-2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material, including, but not limited to Confession Moments, Holy Spirit Confession Moments, and The Latest Word quotes, YouTube videos, papers, and other original works of art without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links within posts unless otherwise stated are available for use, provided that full and clear credit is given to EYHCS and The Latest Word with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

13 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Challenge – The Sound of Silence: Where are the Christians of Christ?

  1. I completely endorse this!….Wow!…Lovin on this!…As I got throught the technical stuff (lol) it boiled down to feeling the same way!…Your/Our God is Outstanding as he moves and changes each season!…Your writings are Outstanding too!…Peace and Love Angel!…


    • Truly humbled, thanks for the word of confirmation and encouragement. The rage within me would no longer allow silence to rule my tongue. Thanks for standing with me. Many Blessings and so much more. ~D. Boyland


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